Linear Genetic Programming ========================== Supported Features in Linear Genetic Programming ------------------------------------------------ * Linear Genetic Programming - Crossover + Linear + One-Point + One-Segment - Mutation + Micro-Mutation + Effective-Macro-Mutation + Macro-Mutation - Replacement + Tournament + Direct-Compete - Default-Operators + Most of the math operators + if-less, if-greater + Support operator extension Usage: Create training data --------------------------- The sample code below shows how to generate data from the "Mexican Hat" regression problem: .. code-block:: java import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; private List ProblemCatalogue.mexican_hat(){ List result = new ArrayList<>(); BiFunction mexican_hat_func = (x1, x2) -> (1 - x1 * x1 / 4 - x2 * x2 / 4) * Math.exp(- x1 * x2 / 8 - x2 * x2 / 8); double lower_bound=-4; double upper_bound=4; int period=16; double interval=(upper_bound - lower_bound) / period; for(int i=0; i data = ProblemCatalogue.mexican_hat(); CollectionUtils.shuffle(data); TupleTwo, List> split_data = CollectionUtils.split(data, 0.9); List trainingData = split_data._1(); List testingData = split_data._2(); Usage: Create and train the LGP ------------------------------- The sample code below shows how the LGP can be created and trained: .. code-block:: java import; import; import; import; import*; LGP lgp = new LGP(); lgp.getOperatorSet().addAll(new Plus(), new Minus(), new Divide(), new Multiply(), new Power()); lgp.getOperatorSet().addIfLessThanOperator(); lgp.addConstants(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0); lgp.setRegisterCount(6); lgp.setCostEvaluator((program, observations)->{ double error = 0; for(Observation observation : observations){ program.execute(observation); error += Math.pow(observation.getOutput(0) - observation.getPredictedOutput(0), 2.0); } return error; }); Program program =;"best solution found: {}", program); The last line prints the linear program found by the LGP evolution, a sample of which is shown below: .. code-block:: java instruction[1]: instruction[2]: instruction[3]: <- r[2] r[3] r[2]> instruction[4]: <* c[7] r[2] r[2]> instruction[5]: instruction[6]: instruction[7]: instruction[8]: <- c[0] r[0] r[0]> instruction[9]: instruction[10]: <- r[2] c[3] r[1]> instruction[11]: <+ c[4] r[4] r[5]> instruction[12]: instruction[13]: <+ c[7] r[0] r[5]> instruction[14]: <^ c[7] r[4] r[3]> instruction[15]: instruction[16]: instruction[17]: <* c[7] r[2] r[2]> instruction[18]: <^ r[1] c[6] r[3]> instruction[19]: instruction[20]: <- c[3] r[1] r[3]> instruction[21]: instruction[22]: instruction[23]: instruction[24]: <+ r[0] c[1] r[0]> instruction[25]: <* r[0] c[6] r[0]> instruction[26]: <- r[3] c[7] r[1]> instruction[27]: <- r[4] c[7] r[4]> instruction[28]: instruction[29]: <- c[1] r[0] r[2]> instruction[30]: instruction[31]: instruction[32]: instruction[33]: instruction[34]: <- c[2] r[2] r[5]> instruction[35]: instruction[36]: instruction[37]: <- r[5] c[7] r[3]> instruction[38]: <- c[8] r[3] r[3]> instruction[39]: <^ c[3] r[0] r[5]> Usage: Test the program obtained from the LGP evolution ------------------------------------------------------- The best program in the LGP population obtained from the training in the above step can then be used for prediction, as shown by the sample code below: .. code-block:: java"global: {}", program); for(Observation observation : testingData) { program.execute(observation); double predicted = observation.getPredictedOutput(0); double actual = observation.getOutput(0);"predicted: {}\tactual: {}", predicted, actual); }